easySite HomeRecent News:v1.6 has just been released! In addition to a number of significant bug fixes, some great new features have been added, such as the ability to add images (and corresponding javascript rollovers!) to the left nav, the ability to show/hide instructions, and UI improvements. EasySite has also been rebuilt, so that numerous websites can be served from a single installation of the project! Check out the release notes for more details. Introduction: easySite is a simple but effective end-to-end website management solution. It is written in php and uses a MySQL database. It has two major components: an administration utility, and the public website itself. Through the admin interface, a user may: create/edit pages, create links to those pages in the navigation bar (and reorder that bar in any way), add dynamic forms to pages (using functionality taken from phpFormBuilder - also hosted on sourceForge), and create new users with varying levels of permission to use the admin tool and/or see pages in the public site. The create/edit a page utility includes the ability to enable or disable html, and to designate a page "password protected." Feel free to view a front-end demo of easySite, and to manipulate the front end through the admin tool. Username: "demo", Password: "password". You can do everything in the demo except create other super users (you are a super user yourself; one level below "webmaster"), and change your password. PS. Also check out Syslist, a web-based asset management and helpdesk system designed by my consulting company, 3GWT. |